Looking for Telecommuting Work?
Why You Need Our Report

NEVER Pay A High Price for this Information Again!

You've seen them all by now. The "e-mail processors", get rich quick schemes, all of which promised you a comfortable income from your home. We got sick and tired of these scams and compiled a list of almost 250 companies that CAN supply you with the work you are looking for.

Our listing includes companies that represent a cross-section of several types of consumer products. From jewelry, to arts and crafts; vitamins to real estate. The companies on our list can either supply you with work to earn an hourly wage, or make you an associate where you run your own show. NONE OF THESE ARE MLM, GET-RICH QUICK, OR AFFILIATE PROGRAMS. We've been there, done that, ourselves and probably like yourself, learned there is no such thing as an easy buck.

Unlike the web sites that will charge you anywhere from $19.95 to $149.95 for this information, WE ARE ONLY ASKING FOR THE NOMINAL CHARGE OF $6.95 FOR THIS COMPREHENSIVE LIST TO COVER OUR ONLINE AND LABOR EXPENSES.

Click on "Why You Need Our Report" to get a better picture of what we have to offer. This link will also take you to our secure order form where you can order via Master Card or Visa.

Why You Need Our Report


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Working at home will provide you with greater freedom for attending family events.

Hear for yourself what others are saying...

"...after throwing out almost $150 pursuing nothing but scams, I am finally working steadily as a part-time jewelry assembler and earning great money!! Thank you for some honesty for a change!"

Charlotte Gropper
Tallahassee, Florida

"Your list was god's gift to stay at home moms everywhere! Thank you!"

Sherri Winston
Green Bay, Wisconsin

"Just when I started losing faith in working at home, I actually had six companies from your list wanting me to start working immediately!"

Alba Johnson
Greenville, NC

"Thanks to your information, I was able to pursue my own arts and crafts business from one of your recommended vendors."

Betty Truman
Boston, MA

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Copyright 2001, Legit Jobs, Inc.

This information may not be duplicated or distributed in any way without the express written consent of Legit Jobs, Inc.

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